I Did This When I Found Out My Car Had Been Stolen

Victoria "S" Tidwell
5 min readApr 2, 2023
Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

I counted it all JOY!

Yep, seriously I did.

I had just come out of personal prayer time with the Lord so I was still enveloped in the atmosphere of Heaven when my oldest informed me that my car was not outside. He’s a playful nine so I thought he may have been joking and didn’t give much thought to his claim. It wasn’t until my three year old told me that “his car” was gone that I decided to mosey on to the window and take a look for myself. Sure enough, my car was not where I left it.

“Ok. Let’s not panic. Maybe your car has just been towed,” I told myself. Not too unrealistic considering my complex was repairing asphalt in the area and I may have parked in an area I should not have. So I did the sensible thing and contacted my leasing office and once they assured me that they had not had my vehicle towed it was only then that I felt that sinking feeling in my gut.

On to 911 I went. “No ma’am we do not have any record of a tow for your vehicle,” I was informed and from there I simply answered each question I was asked to the best of my ability. After I was informed that an officer would be dispatched to my home to file a report I hung up the phone and began to dance. My feet just gave way to a shout. The joy of the Lord came over me and I just began to praise Him.



Victoria "S" Tidwell

A daughter of The Most High sharing my gifts through writings on triumphs, failures & all that fall in between. This is a privilege. Thank you for the support.